The Switch


When we arrived back home, a box awaited Mason.  This was not just any box.  It was the elusive new gaming system, The Switch.  It’s a long story but Mason has been saving and saving for this coveted device.  It slipped through our fingers a few times when it was in stock at two local Game Stops.  It has been consistently available on Amazon but at a premium.  Finally, Mason found a site where it could be purchased for a moderate mark up and we placed an order.  In perfect 20/20 hindsight, I should not have ordered from a company that I had not heard of before.  They did not provide the typical tracking and transaction correspondence so we had to say our prayers, hope for the best and wait.  It mysteriously arrived two days ago when we were in NYC but we did not tell Mason.  We wanted him to be surprised and he was.

He did an unboxing video, set it up and got busy.  I hope his enjoyment lasts a long, long time.

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