Bringing Back the Word


It’s been a while since I have officially declared a word for the year. Last year my word was Read but I didn’t declare it publically.  I failed miserably.  I’m not convinced that my poor outcome was due to lack of accountability but it might have been. I have gotten out of the habit of passing time with a good book.  I wanted to read more novels like my boys do. I thought we would have family reading time.  I didn’t make much progress but I still aspire to get back to reading as the pastime that I used to enjoy so much. 

This year I knew it was important to pick a word that I could have better success with.  Organize seems to fit the bill perfectly.  I am noticing areas in our house that need my attention.  I feel like there is a lot of clutter and that I have too many junk drawers. Things are stashed in free nooks and crannies because I’m too lazy to put them away where they belong.  There are art, school and crafting supplies in multiple places around the house rather than in a single spot. Let’s not even discuss my crafting area. It’s all starting to make me crazy.

This year my approach is to tackle the areas one small portion at a time.  It reminds me of that famous question:  How do you eat an elephant?  Bite by bite!

In the interest of taking a small action on New Year’s Day, I settled upon a drawer in the kitchen that has been bothering me for way too long.  I pulled the entire drawer out and dumped out all the contents.  It had become a cord catch all as well as a my stationery drawer.


I pitched all kinds of things and corralled others. It took less than 30 minutes to make a big difference.  I feel happy just thinking about how much better it is.  Drawer by drawer, space by space, I have a good feeling that 2015 is going to be about creating a clutter-free and organized environment.  Bring it on!


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